• Title

  • Recruit Me!

    Are you actively searching for work? Our job seeker connection program is a rapid response solution designed to quickly connect job seekers and employers.

    Add your name, skills, and resume to our database which we will share with potential employers. The employers will contact you directly to share openings related to your interests, skillsets and willingness to pursue training.

    This is one tool to assist displaced workforce but should not replace your job search.
    Format: M/d/yyyy
    If you have a resume available, you can upload it here. (recommended)
    Areas of career interest:
    Please select no more than three.
    Top Skills - Please select your THREE strongest skills.
    Choose no more than 3.
    Highest Level of Education
    I give the Halifax County Chamber of Commerce permission to share my name, contact information, and information regarding my skillsets with prospective employers. I acknowledge that this information will be accessible to a wide range of individuals and entities, including current or prospective employers or agents thereof. The Halifax County Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any actions taken against me by based on my voluntary submission of my information for inclusion. *
    Please note: If you do not give permission for us to share your information, we are unable to make connections for you. If at any point you wish to remove your contact information please contact the Halifax County Chamber of Commerce at info@halifaxchamber.net.